- Describe the contributions to evolutionary theory made by Linnaeus, Cuvier, Lyell, Lamarck, Malthus, and Wallace (25)
- Describe Lamarck’s theories, and explain why they have been rejected (15)
- Explain what Darwin meant by “descent with modification” (10)
- List and explain Darwin’s four observations and two inferences (20)
- Explain why an individual organism cannot evolve (15)
- Describe at least four lines of evidence for evolution by natural selection (15)
3/4當天請於8:30am準時抵達教室. 遲到10分鐘者不得進入教室. 以上為題目, 括號內則為其配分. 老師只抽問一人, 一人答錯, 則全班該題分數為0分. 請準備有條有理的說明, 並不得拿著資料照著唸. 請自行參考課本內容, 並搜尋資料協助理解. 若有不明瞭的地方, 請與老師討論.